
Glass Type For Nut, Bolt, O ring, Washers, Screw & Parts (PSG) Dia: 10mm - 35 mm Length: 2mm - 25mm

Disc Type For screw & Bolts, Wire Dia: M3 - M16(PS/PSL),Length - 5mm - 150mm

V Track Type For studs and Cylindrical Rods / Pins(PSV) Wire Dia: M 5 - M 1 5 Length: 15mm - 75mm

Eddy Current For studs and Cylindrical Rods/ Pins(PSE) Wire Dia: M3 - M 1 6 Length - 5mm - 115mm

Conveyor Type For Nut, Bolt, O ring, Washers, Screw & Parts(PSC) Dia: 10mm - 35 m m Length - 2mm - 25mm
